Know your contract: AUFA health benefits

Several AUFA members have inquired about the health benefits provided under AUFA’s collective agreement in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This post summarizes key benefits relevant to COVID-19 available to AUFA members with probationary or continuing regular appointments. A full listing of benefits is available on the HR website.

Sick Leave (Article 16.5)

AUFA members are entitled to six months of short-term illness leave every year. During this time, members receive full pay and regular benefits. If you are accessing sick leave, you should notify your supervisor and record your sick leave in your time sheet.

HR may request proof of sickness when a worker is on sick leave (typically a note from a medical professional), although this request is uncommon for short leaves associated with transient illnesses. Given the increased demand on the medical system during the pandemic, AU appears to be relaxing its requirement for medical notes.

Long-term Disability Leave (Schedule B)

AUFA members whose illness exceeds 6 months must apply for long-term disability leave, presently provided through Manulife Financial. Long-term disability provides income replacement at 70% of your monthly salary to a maximum of $7000 per month. This income is taxable.

Health Benefits (Schedule B)

AUFA extended health benefits are presently provided by Blue Cross. They include private hospital rooms (where available) and drug coverage on a reimbursement basis. AUFA members also have dental and vision benefits as outlined in this summary.

Mental Health Benefits (Schedule B)

Our Blue Cross health benefits includes coverage of counselling services provided by counsellors who are chartered psychologists, clinical psychiatrists, or hold a master of social work. The benefit provides to a maximum of $1500 per year. The Psychologists Association of Alberta has a referral service for individuals seeking a counsellor in their area.

Compassionate Care (Articles 16.8 and 16.1)

AUFA members are entitled under Article 16.8 to 8 weeks of unpaid leave to provide emotional support, arrange health care, or provide health care to a family member at significant risk of death. During this time, the employee must continue to pay the same portion of benefit and pension premiums as if they were at work.

That said, AUFA members can request of their supervisors, and supervisors may grant (under Article 16.1), a leave of absence with or without pay for leaves not covered explicitly by other articles. In the past, supervisors have granted paid leave to members providing medical aid and support to family members who are quite ill but not at significant risk of death.

Bereavement and Family Medical Leave (Article 16.1.3)

AUFA members are eligible for leave with pay for “making arrangements for care of” family members who are ill. AUFA members are also eligible for leave if there is a death in a staff member’s family or to attend a funeral of a relative or friend.  These leaves are of variable length and can be arranged with your supervisor. Leaves beyond 3 days require the approval of your executive officer.

Death Benefits (Article 23 and Schedule B)

AUFA have life insurance coverage presently provided by Manulife Financial. If you die while employed by AU, your named beneficiary or estate will be paid two times your annual salary to a maximum of $300,000. AU will also pay out twice your monthly salary to your named beneficiary. Forms to change your beneficiaries can be accessed online.

The Universities Academic Pension Plan provides two options in the event of your death before retirement. If you have a spouse, your spouse is entitled to receive a pension as if you retired the day before you died. If you are under 55, your spouse is entitled to a lump sum transfer payment into a Locked In Retirement Account (LIRA) in lieu of a pension. If you do not have a surviving spouse at the time of death, your last-named beneficiary or your estate is entitled to a payout of your pension in cash.

Questions about benefits can be directed to the AUFA office at or 780 675-6282.

Jolene Armstrong, President