Autumn telephone survey starts next week

AUFA’s bi-annual telephone survey starts next week. Over twenty volunteers with the Membership Engagement Committee (MEC) will begin calling 100 randomly selected AUFA members to solicit their views on a variety of topics.

The purpose of the survey is to provide good quality data to the AUFA executive and committees. The survey data is anonymous. MEC reports some data back to the whole membership, but only in aggregated form. Other data (also anonymous) is reported only to the AUFA executive.

This autumn’s survey includes the usual environmental questions (member morale, trust in AU’s executive group, and so on) from surveys past. These questions allow us to track changes in member views over time. The results from our spring survey are here.

MEC expects the autumn survey will also include some questions related to collective bargaining and equity issues.

If you are randomly selected to participate in this autumn’s survey, we’re hopeful you can find 10 minutes or so to let AUFA know how it can most effectively serve its members.

AUFA is also looking for additional callers for this survey. The time commitment is minimal (about 45 minutes over the course of 10 days), and it’s a great way to connect with colleagues who you might otherwise never encounter. A full script and training package is available. If you are interested in calling 2-3 AUFA members, please email .

Rhiannon Rutherford, Chair

Membership Engagement Survey