Spring telephone survey starts next week

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AUFA’s bi-annual telephone survey starts next week. Approximately twenty volunteers with the Membership Engagement Committee (MEC) will begin calling 100 AUFA members to solicit member views on a variety of topics.

Survey participants are randomly selected each time. This means some AUFA members may be selected to participate twice in a row while other members may not yet have been selected. Volunteer callers may reach out via telephone, Teams, or email to set up a time to complete the survey.

The purpose of the survey is to provide good quality data to the AUFA executive and bargaining team. The survey data is anonymous. MEC reports some data back to the whole membership, but only in aggregated form. Other data (also anonymous) is reported only to the AUFA executive or bargaining team.

This spring’s survey includes three environmental questions that we always ask. The results of these questions are always reported back to the membership. You can see the autumn results here. These questions allow us to track changes in member views over time.

The spring survey will focus on the collective bargaining proposals made by both AUFA and AU.

These questions will ask about your willingness to strike to make gains or to prevent losses at the bargaining table. If you have questions about the possibility of a work stoppage, you may wish to read this FAQ on work stoppages.

This survey will also ask some questions related to AUFA’s current communication practices.

If you are randomly selected to participate in this spring’s survey, MEC is hopeful you will take 10 minutes to complete the survey and tell AUFA how it could most effectively serve its members.

Rhiannon Rutherford, Chair

Membership Engagement Survey