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Why Heather Chooses AUFA

Athabasca University is proposing carving 67% of members out of the faculty association. This testimonial is one of a series wherein AUFA members explain why membership in the faculty association is important to them.

As an editor, getting to be part of a union with academics and other professionals is unbelievably valuable. Because of my membership in AUFA, I have been able to pursue many professional development opportunities that I otherwise would have been unable to. I have attended several editing conferences put on by Editors Canada because of my access to professional development (PD) funds and allotted PD days. By attending these conferences, I have been able to hone and expand my editing skills and knowledge, which correlate directly to the work I do editing courses for Athabasca University (AU). I'm also able to share my knowledge with my colleagues, thereby increasing the impact my access to these professional development opportunities has for AU.

For the last two years, I've served on the board of directors for Editors Canada, and I am currently the president of the association; again, I would not have the time or ability to volunteer in this way without access to the benefits afforded to me by being part of AUFA. My role as president has allowed me many occasions to promote AU on the national editing stage, and I often speak about the benefits AU can provide to learners in Canada and around the world.

It is also exceptionally important to me that I am able to be in AUFA with academic colleagues; their points of view have taught me much during the last five years that I've been with AU. Being in a union with academics has allowed me to create very positive working relationships with people whom I otherwise may not be in much contact with. These relationships benefit AU in terms of better courses and a more efficient work environment.

My membership in AUFA is invaluable to me, both in terms of my professional development and my work directly for AU, and it is my fervent hope that I will be able to continue as part of this union for many years to come.

Heather BUzila

Course Materials Editor