We Choose AUFA new aspect.png



We Choose AUFA. AUFA is a union of academics and professionals at Athabasca University, and for 37 years we have stood together as a single unit. Athabasca University’s new designation proposal would deny 62% of AUFA members the right to be in the union they choose to be in. This place is for AUFA members and supporters to help out by participating in actions. Actions will be updated as the campaign progresses.

Member Responses

AUFA members have engaged in multiple actions including interrupting meetings, challenging the President to his face, and signing and sending multiple open letters and testimonials. Click the below links to view what our members have done so far to oppose this policy.

Letter to Provost Matt Prineas, signed by 92 tenure-track professors.

Letter to President Neil Fassina, signed by 185 professionals and academic coordinators.

Update your Profile Picture or Put up a Poster!

The below logos are for you to use as you please. We are asking teleworkers to update their Office 365 profile picture, and office workers to display any of the below images as a poster in their office. The below images can be saved via right click and ‘save picture as’ on a PC. Check below for instructions on how to update your profile picture.

To replace your profile picture on PC:

  1.  Save the image wechooseAUFA.png to your desktop by clicking the below button, right clicking on the image, and then ‘Save Image As’.

  2. In your browser, log into the web interface of Office 386:  https://portal.office.com/account/

  3. Click on “Personal Info”

  4. Click on “Change Photo”

  5. Click on browse and select the png and click “save”.
