AUFA Member Emergency Fund


At AUFA Executive’s March meeting, we finalized the details of an expanded and refreshed member emergency fund policy. You can find the policy and its accompanying forms here.

For your convenience, here is a high-level overview of the Member Emergency Fund policy and how you might be able to use it should you face financial hardship.

The Member Emergency Fund is an interest-free loan program intended to help AUFA members experiencing financial distress due to circumstances beyond their control. Examples of situations where the use of the Member Emergency Fund might be warranted include, but are not limited to, a work stoppage due to job action, a natural disaster, or a sudden and unexpected loss of income.

This fund is not meant to be a replacement for judicious financial planning or for assistance normally provided by government agencies. AUFA reserves the right to direct applicants to the appropriate agencies for assistance.

Members who complete the Member Emergency Fund application may be eligible for an interest-free loan of up to $2000 per year, repayable within six months of issuance. Member Emergency Fund applications will be evaluated by the AUFA Executive Director, who may consult members of the Executive or other AUFA members at large about the application provided that the applicant’s identity is kept confidential.

The budget for the Member Emergency Fund will be established annually alongside the normal AUFA operating budget – any funds not used in the year would remain in the pot for future use.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the fund, please don’t hesitate to contact us via

Corina Dransutavicius

Governance Elected Lead