Athabasca University Faculty Association



We represent Athabasca University’s more than 400 faculty and professional staff members. AUFA is committed to equity in employment. The association is responsible for negotiating the collective agreement between its members and the university and also assists members in the event of grievances. Executive officers are elected each May by the association’s members, in accordance with the association’s bylaws. AUFA also sponsors social events and holds two annual general meetings, in May and in November. All members are encouraged to take an active part in AUFA: we are your organization.


The AUFA Executive is elected in May of each year for a one-year term commencing on July 1st. It meets monthly, on the second Wednesday of the month.

We have two General Meetings per year – one in May and one in November. At the May Spring meeting, elections take place for the executive and a budget is prepared for the year. At the November General meeting, our financial statements as prepared by the accountant are approved. Ratification of negotiations’ Memorandums of Agreement, bylaw changes, etc. can take place at either general meeting.



AUFA negotiates updates and changes to the collective agreement starting in February of the year the current agreement is set to expire. Contract negotiations include adjustments to salaries and benefits, such as changes to the pay structure, adjusting salaries to reflect cost-of-living increases, settling benefits accounts and negotiating other improvements to benefits. Non-financial changes to the agreement include changes to the language of the agreement affecting matters such as hiring, assessment, and promotion. If AUFA and the employer are unable to negotiate a settlement, the parties may choose to defer settlement to an arbitrator. In absence of successful negotiation of a settlement, AUFA and AUGC can pursue steps leading to a strike or lock-out to influence negotiations to a conclusion. All negotiated settlements must be ratified by AUGC and by the AUFA membership.