Strike preparation update

As bargaining has moved to mediation, AUFA continues to prepare against the possibility of a strike. A credible strike threat is important because it shows AU that failing to negotiate an agreement will entail financial and reputational costs.

This short update addresses picketing preparations in Edmonton and Calgary, banking info for strike pay, and how to talk to students about the possibility of a strike.

Edmonton and Calgary picketing committees

The committees that are organizing flying (i.e., in-person) picketing events in Edmonton and Calgary have had preliminary meetings to discuss potential actions and logistical questions. A committee in Athabasca has been established and will meet shortly.

Banking info for strike pay

Last week, all AUFA members should have received an email requesting banking information so that AUFA can set up direct deposits for strike pay. We are collecting this information now because of the work required to set this up. If you have questions, please contact Gail Leicht, Treasurer, at .

Talking to students about a possible strike

The Job Action Committee (JAC) has developed some talking points for AUFA members about how to talk to students about the possibility of a strike. You can find these talking points on AUFA’s website under the strike information tab.

Bob Barnetson, Chair

Job Action Committee