Update on Bargaining

Dear AUFA members,

Bargaining negotiations with Athabasca University have officially started.

The first meeting was held virtually on May 25, 2024. During the meeting, both parties’ bargaining committee members met and briefly discussed scheduling options for the exchange of proposals and the format in which those meetings would be conducted. Drawing upon first-hand knowledge and lived experience, AUFA’s Bargaining Lead communicated to the AU bargaining team about the challenges, priorities, demands, and expectations that AUFA members have for this round of negotiations. We also affirmed our commitment to engaging in constructive dialogue to ensure those demands are met.

AUFA’s Bargaining Team Members:

  • Corina Dransutavicius (IT, AUFA Governance Lead)

  • Dr. Carolyn Greene (FHSS, Spokesperson)

  • Regan Hack (FHD)

  • Dr. Kaba (FB)

  • Jessica Muller (FHD)

  • Jen Rempel (Library)

  • Eloy Rivas-Sánchez (FHSS, AUFA Bargaining Lead)

  • Richard Roach (AUFA Executive Director) 

AU’s Bargaining Team Members:

  • Wally Gloeckler (Lead Negotiator)

  • Dr. Manijeh Mannani (Dean, FHSS)

  • Dr. Priscilla Campeau (Interim AVP Indigenous)

  • Bryce Clarke (Deputy Digital Strategy Office)

  • Carrie Potts (HR Special Projects)

  • Britney Ingram (Labour Relations Specialist)

For the AUFA’s bargaining committee, the priorities for this round of negotiations are clear: we aim to ensure fair, equitable, and dignifying salaries and working conditions for AUFA’s professionals and faculty while continuing our commitment to excellence in research and education at AU.  The issues highlighted by AUFA members through surveys and individual feedback are at the forefront of our agenda. Our initial exchange of proposals is scheduled for June 28th at which point further bargaining dates will be scheduled.

Your involvement in this process is fundamental. We will continue keeping you updated on the progress of negotiations, and we will continue reaching out to you for input and direction.

Many thanks for your support and engagement.

On behalf of the Bargaining Committee,

Eloy Rivas-Sánchez, Bargaining Lead

Athabasca University Faculty Association