Statement on AUFA communications

AUFA has commenced collective bargaining with the employer. As a result, you will notice an increase in public communications from the Association. Association communications will normally be through direct email to our members, our blog, or through social media accounts and press releases. Bargaining can be tense, and our communications will discuss politically charged concepts that can be open to opinion. In doing so, all AUFA communications will be truthful, clear, and without hyperbole. All AUFA communications will continue to use respectful language, and refrain from personal insults and attacks. 

AUFA's position will be found through our official channels. Note that the individual comments of AUFA members do not represent the position of AUFA. We support AUFA members' rights to engage in open communication through what venues they have available. Bargaining is a public matter and AUFA members are free to exercise their Academic and Professional Freedom to make fair comment over matters at AU.