July 2024 Bargaining Team Update

At the July 10, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Executive, AUFA’s Executive confirmed a few changes in the membership of the Bargaining team.

In June, Carolyn Greene provided her resignation from her position on the committee. The AUFA Executive acknowledges the receipt of her resignation and thanks her for her work on the Bargaining Committee. Considering this resignation, the AUFA Executive has appointed David Powell to join the Bargaining Committee.

As of today, your AUFA Bargaining team is:

Corina Dransutavicius

Regan Hack

Dr. Bangaly Kaba

Jen Rempel

Richard Schamehorn (AUFA Executive Director)

Brenda Skayman (Alternate for Richard Schamehorn)

Spokespersons: Jessica Muller and Dave Powell

Bargaining Lead: Dr. Eloy Rivas-Sánchez 

We alerted AU’s Bargaining team to these changes on the morning of July 12, 2024. AU’s Bargaining team has also added another member, Tim Vanderpyl.

We are pleased to announce that we have secured an upcoming bargaining date of August 20. We were heartened by the flurry of responses to our last blog post regarding AU’s decision to withhold their full proposal and their insistence on in-person bargaining. Your words of support and suggestions are greatly appreciated. We will continue to strive to negotiate for the collective agreement our members want and deserve.