AUFA discontinues bargaining after employer refuses to table monetary offer

The AUFA and AU bargaining teams met for their second session on August 20th for further exchange of proposals. After receiving member feedback on how important it is to receive the full offer from the employer, our team attempted to engage in a full exchange of proposals with brief explanations. This is a typical step in early bargaining before the earnest negotiation of language can begin.

However, the employer’s team once again declined to share their full offer, requesting we conclude all non-monetary items before discussing financial matters. AU initially withheld monetary proposals in the past bargaining round, which resulted in increased acrimony between teams and difficulty negotiating. To get the best deal for AUFA members, the AUFA team needs to have all of the facts. It is very likely the employer’s monetary offer is in keeping with offers across the Alberta public sector, which is a 7.5% increase over four years. As we probably know the amount already, and AU’s team implied that AUFA should know their offer by looking around the public sector, the decision not to table the language is baffling. When rationale was requested for why they are withholding the monetary portion, they indicated that it is a common practice.

This is further complicated by language presented to AUFA that was almost entirely written under the Neil Fassina administration and rejected in our last round of bargaining. It appears that the current AU team wrote almost no new language and actually stated that they “refuse to apologize” for this. This, along with the refusal to table the monetary offer, seems in stark contrast to the image of friendly collaboration and harmony the new boss seems intent on conveying. 

Without anything new to offer our team, and a refusal to discuss money, the AUFA team decided we would be unable to negotiate in this circumstance and concluded the meeting. We are currently investigating a labour board complaint. In the meantime, the bargaining team will continue to meet to strategize and prepare for the resumption of negotiations when AU provides its full proposal.


The AUFA Bargaining Team