Apology and acknowledgement

We have just completed a Valentine’s day meme campaign as a sequel to our Holiday Card campaign. It was brought to our attention by AUFA members that the language surrounding and within these memes was potentially offensive and harmful to some people, with allegations of harm done. We apologize unequivocally to anyone offended or harmed by our communications. Our Equity Statement says:

In alignment with CAUT’s Policy Statement on Equity, we believe that the goals of equity and inclusiveness in our working and teaching environments should be grounded in a commitment to social and economic justice. This includes challenging overt or covert expression and systemic maintenance of colonialism, racism, sexism, transphobia, ableism, classism, homophobia, and all forms of oppression.

We recognize that, in using sexist language in our campaign, we did not live up to these commitments.

AUFA values diversity and inclusion for all groups regardless of gender, race, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. and takes such concerns seriously.  We accept this as an opportunity to learn, address harm done, and improve.

Moving forwards, AUFA Executive has created a interim disputes resolution process linked here to receive any concerns about AUFA officers, committees, or staff.

David Powell


Athabasca University Faculty Association