Solidarity picket and shifting offers at U of A
Michael Voaklanderbargaining, Solidarity, alberta, salary, rollbacks, ucp, aupe, unfair labour practice, AASUA, strike, information picket
New Member Preliminary Survey Results
Michael VoaklanderMEC, survey, salary, equity, probation, sick leave, PD, vacation, IT, it optimization, VPIT, workload, orientation, Solidarity
AU Walks out on Mediation over IT Optimization
Michael Voaklandergrievance, it optimization, survey, layoffs, research and study leave, harassment, arbitration, mediation, VPIT, training, Solidarity
AUFA stands in solidarity with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association
Strike prep: 500 days without a contract
Michael Voaklanderbad faith, bargaining, strike, aufa strike, operation, reputation, financial, work stoppage, aupe, cupe, picket, information picket, proposal vote, salary, president, censure, boycott, Solidarity
Autumn telephone survey starts next week
AUFA to investigate needs of new members
Bargaining Update