Concordia strike ends in faculty victory
Michael Voaklandercuefa, strike, agreement, Solidarity, salary, bargaining, inflation, discipline, aupe, benefits, pension, rollbacks, mansion, reputation, mediation, ULFA, proposal vote, aufa strike, unfair labour practice
Bargaining Update: AU finally tables opening offer
Faculty strike at Concordia enters second week
Michael VoaklanderSolidarity, cuefa, strike, post-secondary, salary, bargaining, discipline, inflation, pse, agreement, operation, financial, reputation, mansion, abpse, picket, caut, JAC
Solidarity picket and shifting offers at U of A
Michael Voaklanderbargaining, Solidarity, alberta, salary, rollbacks, ucp, aupe, unfair labour practice, AASUA, strike, information picket
New Member Preliminary Survey Results
Michael VoaklanderMEC, survey, salary, equity, probation, sick leave, PD, vacation, IT, it optimization, VPIT, workload, orientation, Solidarity
Strike prep: 500 days without a contract
Michael Voaklanderbad faith, bargaining, strike, aufa strike, operation, reputation, financial, work stoppage, aupe, cupe, picket, information picket, proposal vote, salary, president, censure, boycott, Solidarity
Member Engagement: Academic Coordinators
Post-Secondary Salary Trends in Athabasca