Concordia strike ends in faculty victory
Michael Voaklandercuefa, strike, agreement, Solidarity, salary, bargaining, inflation, discipline, aupe, benefits, pension, rollbacks, mansion, reputation, mediation, ULFA, proposal vote, aufa strike, unfair labour practice
Bargaining Update: AU finally tables opening offer
Strike Planning Update: Committees start to spin up
Michael Voaklanderstrike, JAC, work stoppage, bargaining, mediation, aufa strike, picket, information picket, Materials Committee, reputation, financial
AUFA Equity Audit Is Underway
Michael Voaklanderequity, decolonization, diversity, equity audit, equity statement, equity committee, agreement, bylaws, constitution, psla, health, accessibility, survey, gender, Solidarity
Faculty strike at Concordia enters second week
Michael VoaklanderSolidarity, cuefa, strike, post-secondary, salary, bargaining, discipline, inflation, pse, agreement, operation, financial, reputation, mansion, abpse, picket, caut, JAC
Results of Strike and Strike Pay Consultation
Michael VoaklanderJAC, strike, aufa strike, parental leave, research and study leave, picket, work stoppage, layoffs, academic freedom, professional freedom, president
Strike Support Rising—Member Survey
Michael VoaklanderMEC, survey, strike, Solidarity, union busting, reputation, aufa strike, bargaining, bad faith, equity, designation, reorganization, covid19, rollbacks, lockout, committee
AU's near-virtual process violates bargaining freeze period, labour law